Review of Deficiency Symptoms and Causes

Review of Deficiency Symptoms and Causes:

Growers must be able to ID issues in their plants

Determine issues through a process of elimination of a photosynthesis checklist

  1. Is there enough light?
  2. Is there water stress?
  3. Check CO2 levels
  4. Temperatures?
  5. Pest/Disease?
  6. Nutrient deficiency

If you determine a likely nutrient issue, check for mobile nutrient deficiencies by looking at old growth and new growth.

Nitrogen issues:

  • Chlorosis (yellowing) of leaves
  • Yellowing of older leaves first

Magnesium issues:

  • Interchlorosis (yellowing) between the veins
  • To test Mg deficiency, use an Epsom Salt foliar (1tbs/1gallon water) - see results within 24h.
  • Also, sodium can block Mg, which often requires flushing your soil.

Potassium issues:

  • Chlorosis (yellowing) on leaf margins

Calcium issues:

  • Yellowing in new leaf growth (not a mobile nutrient)
  • Spotting on leaves is often calcium

Iron issues:

  • Yellowing in new growth

Manganese, Boron, Copper:

  • Tough to determine for these nutrients
  • Warts on leaf surface? Often Boron

Mites (non-nutritional)

  • Rolling of leaves and distorted new growth

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